Week 15 - Blog Assignment

For my English 320 course we were required to complete a weekly blog assignment.  Our blogs had to be posted on Sunday's before midnight.  We were given freedom on what we could write about.  The blogs had to be nearly 5 paragraphs and include images to help compliment the text.

I chose to write my blogs about current issues in agriculture along with concerns or happening in my weekly life.  I feel like the weekly blog assignment was a good project because it held student accountable for keeping up with something over the span of the semester.

I found that the blogs that were the easiest for me to write were the ones that I had a passion for.  I am glad that we were given the freedom to write about things that interested us.  I have taken courses before that require a blog assignment, but you have to follow a strict template.  This takes the fun out of the assignment.

As far a real world application, I feel like blogs are a good way to express feelings/thoughts.  My old high school superintendent would post blogs about trends in education and explain how this dealt with our high school in Rugby.  He would tie in his findings to issues that we were dealing with on a daily basis.

Overall, the blogging assignment was an interesting one.  It taught me to hold myself accountable with a weekly task along with express my thoughts through words.  Our society today is always very connected, but I feel many people have forgotten how to fully communicate effectively through writing.
