Week 14 - Agronomy Club

This weekend I attended an Agronomy Club Conference in Lincoln, Nebraska.  There were 10 students from NDSU that attended the SASES conference.  SASES stands for Students of Agronomy, Soils, and Environmental Sciences.  The University of Nebraska hosted it on their campus. 

We started the travel on Thursday morning at 6:00 am.  We took 2 personal vehicles down to Lincoln.  The drive took roughly 7 hours.  When we got to Lincoln we checked into our hotel and grabbed some food at a local bar and grill.  The first night of the conference there was a supper and a speaker who was an advocate for agriculture.

I enjoyed spending time with the members of agronomy club at NDSU that went.  I did not know many of the people prior to the trip.  I had class with nearly everyone, but I didn't know them on a personal level.  We all got along really well and bonded over our passion for agriculture.

One of my favorite parts of the trip was the tours that we went on.  We had a choice out of 5 different tours that featured different companies, research facilities, and attractions near Lincoln.  The tour that I went on started out at a Bayer research facility.  We then toured an ethanol plant.  After that we ate lunch at a local place in Wahoo, NE.  We concluded the tour by stopping at a local vineyard for a wine tasting.  

The conference featured a lot of very good speakers that talked about some issues that we are facing in the agricultural world today.  This was my first time in Nebraska and I fell in love with the state and the city of Lincoln.  I made many memories on this trip and I gained some lifelong friends.  Overall, it was a great experience. 
