Week 11 - Expanding the Boundaries of Learning through Service

One of the classes that is required for the Crop & Weed Science major is Plant Science 312: Expanding the Boundaries of Learning through Service.  It is a one credit class that is taught by Ed and Brenda Deckard.  They are a married couple of professors in the Plant Science Department here at NDSU. 

Initially, when I heard about the class I thought that it was very silly.  I figured that we shouldn't be required to take a class for Plant Science that studying the interactions of service learning.  However, after the first day of class my opinion was greatly changed. 

The main project of the class is participating in a service learning activity.  We were able to choose as groups which activities we would like to participate in.  The groups include visiting an elementary school, helping with Earth Day, volunteering at a dog shelter, and running a food drive.  I chose to visit an elementary school.  I used to be an Agriculture Education major and I still love teaching and interacting with the youth.

Two weeks ago we had our first visit to the elementary school.  There were roughly 30 students from NDSU that went along to Bennett Elementary School.  The NDSU students were broken into groups of two and they were assigned 3-4 students from Bennett.  The students were either in 2nd or 4th grade. 

The group that my partner and I were assigned had a variety of personalities.  One of the girls in our group was bouncing off of the walls and one of the boys was very shy.  By the end of our first visit, all of the students were engaged in conversation with us.  The purpose of our first visit was to get to know the students in our group and teach them about plants.  I had a great time getting to know a little bit about each of the students in our group and I look forward to our next visit!
