Week 10 - Spring Break

This spring break I had the opportunity to go to one of my college friend's ranch in Colorado.  Six of my closest friends and I made the trip to Steamboat Springs.  We flew there which was an adventure in itself. 

The ranch was perched in a valley north of Steamboat.  We spent most of our time there partaking in various activities.  The first and second day we did a lot of snowmobiling in the mountains near their ranch.  No one had any fatalities and the snow was perfect for riding!

I also learned how to ski on my spring break.  Our group went to the ski hill in Steamboat one of the days that we were there.  Many of the people we were with had skied before, but there were also several newcomers.  I did not break any bones and I only come out with a few minor bumps and scratches. 

Overall it was a very enjoyable trip! We spent a lot of quality time together and went on a lot of adventures.  I am thankful for the opportunity and hope to travel to Colorado sometime again in my future. 
