Week 5 - Weed Science

One of my favorite classes that I am taking this semester is Principles of Weed Science.  The course is taught by Dr. Kirk Howatt, the annual weeds extension specialist at NDSU.  Prior to taking the course I had been told that it is one of the strongest classes in the Crop & Weed Science program so I had high hopes going into the semester. 

The class consists of 2 hours of in-class lectures and a 1 hour laboratory on Fridays.  In class we have been covering the basics of different pesticides that can be applied to crops.  These pesticides all have their own specific mode of action.  Mode of action refers to the mechanism in which the pesticide kills the weed.  For instance, there are weeds that are classified as Plant Growth Regulators.  These specific pesticides contain substances that enter the plant and mimic the natural growth processes and ultimately cause the plant to die.

Each pesticide that we have been studying in class has its own unique properties.  Pesticides are required to have a label that includes important information regarding the particular spray.  Each label must list the active ingredient, which is the component that is responsible for the action of the spray.  The EPA regulates all chemicals that are applied to crops and rangeland.

In lab we have been covering information regarding the safety and precautions that must be used when handling pesticides.  There are strict rules that must be followed in order to have a correct application.  We have learned about the difference between general use and restricted use pesticides.  Restricted use pesticides require additional certification to apply because they could potentially harm the individual applying or the environment if they are misapplied. 

In the spring, our class will take a field trip to specific fields at NDSU and see how pesticides are applied before planting crops.  These herbicides are applied in order to control weeds that are already growing at the time of seeding.  I look forward to expanding my knowledge regarding weed science.  This summer I have an internship at a chemical company so the material that is discussed in class is especially important and relevant.
