Week 3 - Ag Career Fair

On Tuesday, February 8th there is a Career Expo at the FargoDome.  This specific career fair is for Agriculture, Business, Humanities & Social Sciences.  There are over 65 employers that are on the list for the event.  There has been advertising all around campus for this event and many students are planning on attending.

I am a big advocate for Career Fairs.  In high school our councilor lined up several different employers to come and speak to our class.  The speakers were in a variety of different lines of work and offered great insight to potential careers.  By listening to them talk about their jobs I was able to think about my future and determine what degree I wanted to study in college.

I attended my first career fair when I was a junior in high school.  It was help at the local community college in Bottineau.  There were over 15 people from the community that came and gave an overview of their jobs.  There was also a couple different colleges that were there to talk to students about the options that they provide for degrees of study associated with particular jobs.

Ever since my freshman year of college I have attended all of the Career Expos that the university puts on for students.  Through my year of attending I have met many great people and made many connections within different companies.  I do not believe that it is ever too early to start thinking about one's future plans.  I would highly recommend that all students attend the career fair even if they are not looking for a job or an internship.

Career Fairs are a great place to meet and network with future employers.  I have talked to many different booths of employers and learned about jobs that I didn't even know existed! This past fall I met an employee of an agriculture seed company who went to college with my mom.  By talking to people you can learn a lot about them and about their business.  It is important to make a connection with people in the workforce so that you can get a foot in the door for future jobs.

This summer I have an internship lined up through BASF.  I met the recruiter at the career fair and lined up an interview upon chatting with him. In the world of agriculture it is important to introduce yourself to people because you never know how far it will take you!  I am excited to attend the upcoming Career Expo and I encourage all students to attend as well.
