Week 2- What makes a farmer successful?

This week I stumbled across an article that talked about successful farmers.  As I read the article I found that the author's definition of success revolved mainly around power and wealth.  The farmers that were listed as the most successful were the ones who farmed the most acres or had the most machinery. 

I disagree with the author's definition of a successful farmer.  To me, there is more that goes into being successful than just monetary things.  Success as a farmer does not have to rely on success from a financial standpoint.  There is no formula that can be used to compute to success of a person.  Success can vary each year depending on the growing season, weather, hardships, or resources.

Some of the most successful farmers that I have seen are the ones who are currently the 6th generation on the family farm.  These farmers have seen many changes throughout their lives and have endured many harsh life experiences.  It takes a successful farmer to keep a legacy going for 6 generations.  As my grandpa says, "Success means finding happiness in what you are doing." 
