Week 2- Agriculture Topics in Today's World.

One of the classes that I am most excited about this semester is a capstone class called Cropping Systems.  This week students were placed in groups of 5-6 people.  The class is designed to heavily rely on teamwork.  I feel as though this is a great setup because many people in the workforce do not know how to communicate and work as a team.

As a group, we were given a list that contained many topics involving agriculture in today's world.  The list included everything from commodity trading to the success of small family farms.  After reviewing the list our group decided on a couple topics that would be interesting to research more.  There were many topics that sparked by interest so it was hard to decide on just one. 

After class, I starting thinking more about the many issues that agriculture is facing.  For my blog I have decided to give a brief overview of agriculture topics; starting with the list that we were presented in class.  My hope is that I can share information and awareness about agriculture with others.  
